This paper ranks and compares Indian states based on their macroeconomic performance going beyond growth or per capita income. The dual objectives are to assess interstate convergence and to reaffirm ...
资本市场投教“星火计划”是由深交所、上交所、北交所、投服中心作为指导单位,深圳证监局作为特别支持单位,证券时报作为发起单位的多位一体投资者教育平台。 e公司《超级董秘》,让上市公司董秘一键发布企业资讯,舆情信息分级精准提醒,可视化 ...
计算时,通过熵值法确定权重,TOPSIS法排名得分。结果显示,不同规模城市的幸福指数有所差异,如深圳、成都等城市表现突出。同时,平均换乘系数多呈持平或下降趋势,部分城市高峰期地面公交运行效率、公共交通与小汽车高峰出行时间比、平均步行距离 ...
1 Economic and Technological Research Institute, Development Division of State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company, Lanzhou, China 2 College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, ...
Then, the customer satisfaction problem caused by splitting was quantified using the information entropy TOPSIS method. Subsequently, the improved VNS algorithm was used to expand the solution sets of ...