We have unveiled a very different role of TLR proteins,” said study author Professor Ali Miserez to IFLScience.
ABSTRACT: Human Herpesviruses (HHVs) are a group of large DNA viruses that can establish lifelong infections in their hosts. They achieve this by switching between two phases: the lytic phase, where ...
A new study reveals that herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1), commonly known for causing cold sores, can travel through the nasal ...
Tires for XC mountain bikers, a bike trailer for active families, and an easy-to-use indoor trainer are among the products ...
在这种严峻的形势下,科学家们发现坏死样细胞死亡,如坏死性凋亡(necroptosis)和焦亡(pyroptosis),在心肌缺血 / 再灌注损伤以及各种病因导致的衰竭心脏中发挥着重要作用。这两种细胞死亡模式不仅会导致心肌细胞的大量损失,还会引发炎症反应,进一步加重心脏的损伤。因此,深入了解它们在 HF 中的作用机制,对于开发新的治疗方法至关重要。
而羟氯喹通过抑制 toll 样受体(TLRs)和抑制核因子 κB(NF-κB)信号来调节先天免疫反应,减少小胶质细胞激活,还能干扰淀粉样 β 蛋白聚集,但长期使用可能会带来视网膜和 CNS 毒性问题。来氟米特抑制嘧啶生物合成,可能通过减少氧化应激和调节小胶质细胞 ...