A Northern Kentucky swim company is launching an annual scholarship to pay for autistic and nonverbal children to learn to ...
Drowning is the leading cause of death for children in the state, but efforts to address the problem have been mostly left up ...
"Bobby Parrish is the expert behind FlavCity, specializing in healthy, budget-friendly recipes and clean eating tips. Visit ...
Soon it will be 90 degrees in the shade, and everyone will be heading to the closest pool to cool off. These pools need ...
Ironhawk Juniors Triathlon Club provides a free, multi-week program for girls ages 7 to 14. They supply any needed equipment at no cost and provide swimming and biking lessons to anyone who needs it.
A woman who grew up in Taunton is preparing to swim the English Channel for charity. Helene Jewell, who now lives in Bristol, will be part of a five-person team called The Channel Pirates. They will ...
For Tran Thi Kim Thia (also known as Sau Thia), who was honoured in 2017 by the BBC for coaching over 2,000 kids in swimming ...
Practice sessions are held at least three times a week and emphasize stroke technique, endurance, and speed training, starts and turns ... Membership is free for kids, teens, and young adults ages ...
DAVENPORT, Iowa (KWQC) -Spring is not far off--which means swimming season is just around the corner. And for families with very young children, pools can be a source of stress and worry.
By Reader Staff The Pend Oreille Rowing and Paddling Association and Long Bridge Swim Association are providing free swim and water safety lessons for the third year this summer at Riley Creek ...