In the high-stakes arena of the NBA, every game is a tale of triumph and trial, and during a recent matchup, the Philadelphia 76ers found themselves behind the Oklahoma City Thunder, trailing 56-70 at ...
In the heart of French football, a highly anticipated clash is set to unfold as Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) takes on their long-time rivals Marseille in an exciting Ligue 1 match. This encounter not onl ...
在争夺欧洲赛区资格的关键战中,排名第三的美因茨在特殊的日子里迎战排名第五的弗赖堡——美因茨俱乐部成立120周年纪念日,他们身穿一套纯白的纪念版球衣。由于 stakes ...
In 2024, the city’s permanent population surpassed 10 million, making it the fourth in the Yangtze River Delta, one of ...
周四,加拿大和美国官员举行了一场高级别会谈,但双方未能就取消关税达成协议。不过,安省省长福特表示此次会议“富有成效”,并透露下周将继续进行新一轮磋商。 福特此次访美由加拿大财政部长勒布朗(Dominic LeBlanc)、工业部长商鹏飞(Francois-Philippe Champagne)、以及加拿大驻美大使希尔曼(Kirsten Hillman)陪同。
魏科夫在莫斯科时间周四中午飞抵莫斯科,在机场待了至少8小时,直到夜幕低垂之际才获讯前往克宫,与普丁闭门会谈。4小时之后,他从莫斯科伏努科夫国际机场(Vnukovo Airport)起飞离境,结束短暂且难堪的莫斯科之行。俄国「灯塔电台」(Radio ...