Veteran Malayalam actor Sreenivasan recently shared the story behind naming his sons, Vineeth and Dhyan, after two legendary hockey players. At a harvest festival in Udayamperoor, Sreenivasan ...
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) - Racing Louisville FC has signed Ella Hase, a former Duke University star to her first professional contract, a two-year deal with a mutual option for 2027, the club announced ...
Getty/ iSergey Ryumin, saluha Some time in 2022, TikTok user Callie Wilson posted a video to her 996K followers about the process of getting a lower-back tattoo.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (WAVE) - Indiana’s newly elected governor has delivered his budget proposal. Some of Mike Braun’s priorities include putting more money in teachers’ salaries and reforming taxes.
Multiple women interviewed for the piece accused him of rape, assault, sexual abuse and degradation, and a woman who worked as a nanny for Gaiman and his ex-wife, the musician Amanda Palmer, claimed ...
Stock image of a father having an argument with his adult son. A man has been defended online for refusing to give in to his grieving dad's baby name demand. Stock image of a father having an ...
Tattoo regret in general is “overplayed,” he believes, but he acknowledges the “age-old saying” among tattooists about a familiar curse: “As soon as you tattoo someone’s name on ...