Within hours, he could not swallow — the water he sipped leaked from his nose — or breathe. Then his legs gave way. Little did he know that these were signs of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), a rare ...
Mumbai: The fatalities due to suspected Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) in Maharashtra rose to 11 as of February 18, after two more deaths were reported from Pune, according to officials from the ...
Belagavi: The Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) outbreak and bird flu (H5N1) in neighbouring Maharashtra have created panic in Belagavi district. The health department is on high alert following the ...
The fatality count due to suspected Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) rose to 11 after two more patients died in Pune hospitals during treatment, officials said on Wednesday. The deceased woman was a ...
GBS outbreak: The death count from the recent Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) outbreak has risen to 11 after two more patients died in Pune hospitals during treatment, officials said on Wednesday.
Two patients who were undergoing treatment at Pune hospitals, died; one is a 27-year-old woman, and another one is a 37-year-old man. The medical officers said that the woman, a resident of ...
The woman, diagnosed with GBS, died in a city hospital on Tuesday, while the man from died in the state-run Sassoon General hospital of suspected GBS on Monday. PUNE: The fatality count due to ...
The fatality count due to suspected Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) rose to 11 after two more patients died in Pune hospitals during treatment, officials said on Wednesday.
Two die of suspected Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Pune, toll rises to 11: officials Meanwhile, the total number of GBS cases remained unchanged at 211 on Wednesday as no fresh case was reported ...
Mumbai: The number of suspected and confirmed cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) in Maharashtra has risen to 211 as of Tuesday, following the detection of a new case, health officials reported.
Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) has caused 21 deaths in India so far. As the death toll in Maharashtra--the state that first reported the condition in which the immune system attacks the nerves ...