So, what is silking? This term might sound a bit technical, but it circles around fascinating concepts like corrosion and texture in materials. When I first came across this term, I was curious about ...
Diseases cause worry ahead of corn planting season among t hose are Tar Spot, Southern Rust and Corn Stunt, as Tim Unruh ...
Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that it is high and should be closer to 40%. The fungicide application typically goes out around silking. This is TOO late to reap the full benefit of an insecticide ...
The maize stem provides structural support to other plant organs and stores carbohydrates and nitrogen (N) that can be remobilized to grain. Yet it remains unknown whether breeding programs have ...
“Our work has shown we can go with that standard timing that we go with gray leaf spot at that VT stage, that early tassel to silking. That timing can provide some good yield protection.
Stalk rot caused by Colletotrichum graminicola is a disease of worldwide importance. Stalk rot is difficult to detect at the early stages of infection because the fungus colonizes the tissues inside ...
接着,他们对 4 个候选杂交种和 3 个商业对照杂交种,在多个地点和年份的灌溉与非灌溉条件下进行评估,收集了包括开花天数(Days to Anthesis,DTA)、吐丝天数(Days to Silking,DTS)、雌雄开花间隔(Anthesis-Silking Interval,ASI)等 8 个表型数据。最后,运用 AMMI ...