单细胞转录组揭示细胞类型和标记基因 :研究人员对不同发育阶段的湖羊睾丸组织进行 scRNA-seq,经过筛选后对剩余细胞进行聚类分析。通过统一流形近似和投影(UMAP)等方法,成功鉴定出 10 种细胞簇,包括从精原细胞到精子细胞的雄性生殖细胞,以及 4 种睾丸体细胞。同时,分析不同发育阶段差异基因表达水平,发现 30 天与 0 天、90 天与 30 天的差异基因数量低于后续四个阶段 12 。
A triazole fungicide, ipconazole, impacts sperm in a study of two male mammal species, indicating negative effects on reproductive health.
The circadian clock, which is a temporal program that developed as an adaptation on earth’s rotation, is one the most basic ...
Overview of events that can contribute to the formation of testicular microlithiasis. We suggest that the formation of testicular microcalcifications occurs as a consequence of one or more of the ...
成年男性的睾丸功能随着年龄增长逐渐退化,这一过程受到衰老、环境和疾病等因素的多重影响。衰老是男性生育力下降的主要原因,通常通过损害细胞功能、增加疾病易感性等途径发挥作用。衰老还与生殖内分泌紊乱密切相关,可能导致男性更年期或迟发性性腺功能减退【1,2】 ...
女性生殖衰老与受孕时间延长和更高的流产率有关。男性生殖衰老的后果一直被低估,主要是因为男性在整个生命过程中不断产生精子,但现在,我们开始越来越认识到衰老对男性生育力的影响,这种影响包括环境因素和生理因素。睾丸衰老与生殖健康下降有关,但其中的分子机制尚 ...
Single-cell multiomic analyses reveal known and new genes and pathways involved in the development of germ cells and provide a discovery platform for the scientific community.
Anixa Biosciences receives approval of protocol amendment for ovarian cancer CAR-T clinical trial: San Jose, California Friday, February 21, 2025, 18:00 Hrs [IST] Anixa Bioscience ...
FIGURE 1. General overview of experimental design and gonadal tissue sample collection for RRBS analysis in this study. hpf, hours post fertilization; dpf, days post fertilization. Statistical ...