In the galaxy of Gene Rodenberry's 59-year-old "Star Trek" franchise, humanity enjoys an idyllic, utopian, primary-colored future in which a non-lethal phaser and a persuasive argument can put an end ...
"The Sea Dragon concept has been developed assuming that space transportation economy will result if launch vehicles are used that are very large, simple, and reusable, even if payload-to-liftoff ...
With a background that includes co-founding companies like Ecolution Power and Space Railway Corporation, Bouchard brings a unique angle to his storytelling.
It’s a challenge to keep a list of noteworthy movies still to come in 2025 to a lean 25. To make it easier, we’ve stuck to theatrical releases, so apologies to fast-approaching streaming flicks ...
The Twilight Zone was resolutely a product of its time, which can be ironic considering how timeless many of its stories are. Creator Rod Serling intended each episode to serve as a modern-day fable, ...
“The Wild Robot” centers around Roz (played by Lupita Nyong’o), a Universal Dynamics robot who is stranded on an unknown island. Roz is accidentally activated by the wildlife around her and she ...