The nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine USS Ohio carries over 150 missiles and is back in action after three years of ...
近日,胡塞武装也毫不示弱,先后对部署在红海的美国海军杜鲁门号编队实施了多次弹道导弹、巡航导弹和无人机的袭击。不过,其零打碎敲的攻击方式,很难对防守严密的航母编队造成实质损失,更何况美海军编队是准备充足,阵容绝对是大阵仗。让我们来盘点一下围绕在也门附近 ...
This post has been updated with additional details on the attempted Houthi attack on the Truman carrier strike group and ...
The Ansar Allah movement ("Allah's Helpers") attempted to attack the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) of the US ...
在离该编队不远的亚丁湾附近,有一艘早就巡弋在此海域的俄亥俄级核潜艇乔治亚号,舷号为SSGN 729,其主要任务是对地攻击和特种作战支援 ...
Initially, the Navy considered deploying the Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS) hypersonic missile on the four Ohio-class SSGN submarines. However, their cost and age caused the Navy to drop these ...