Lagos will be the host city for the E1 World Championship coming up next September. Organisers of the all-electric race boat contest touched down in Lagos yesterday to take an exploratory tour of the ...
Tocols are vitamin E compounds that include tocopherols (TPs) and tocotrienols (TTs). These lipophilic compounds are phenolic antioxidants and are reportedly able to modulate estrogen receptor β (ERβ) ...
Cyclooxygenases-2 (COX-2) and Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), which are important in chronic inflammatory diseases, can increase tumor incidence and promote tumor growth and metastasis. PGE2 binds to various ...
A table is an information systematically arrange in rows and columns. Make Tables in Word look good! Microsoft Word offers features that can format a table, such as the built-in Styles.