藏传佛教噶举派于公元十一世纪,由米拉日巴大师和玛尔巴大师传承而来,并在米拉日巴大师之弟子达波拉杰时期得到了很大发展,形成了噶玛噶举派、帕竹噶举派、巴荣噶举派、蔡巴噶举派四大分支,在整个藏传佛教中,噶举派甚至一度成为规模最大的教派,其传播范围几乎涵盖了 ...
Bio­gen has made an of­fer to ac­quire its part­ner Sage Ther­a­peu­tics, ac­cord­ing to a Fri­day evening reg­u­la­to­ry dis­clo­sure, fol­low­ing months of set­backs by the ...
Gling AI is an innovative content creation tool specifically designed for YouTubers, particularly those producing “talking head” videos where they speak directly to the camera. The platform simplifies ...
There’s a shop­ping bo­nan­za for new obe­si­ty med­i­cines go­ing on among a mar­quee co­hort of bio­phar­ma in­vestors who are in-li­cens­ing treat­ment can­di­dates from Chi ...
来自MSN26 天
Escaping Los Angeles
I am not a worrier, not given to hear the call of catastrophe. In the middle of the night on Monday, amid the squeal of the wind, my husband got up to take down some chimes ringing through the dark.