The test can be used to better stratify cancer patients and determine the likelihood of breast cancer metastasizing.
Treatment Blood Test Offers New Hope for Personalized Cancer Therapy DecisionsA new Yale study has found evidence to support ...
A woman in her 30s who underwent surgery for stage 4 colon cancer delivered the 'danger signal' she experienced a year ago ...
A new Yale study has found evidence to support the value of a tool that measures the presence of cancer -derived molecules in ...
Georgina V. Long, MD, MSc, discussed the long-term follow-up data for the combination of adjuvant dabrafenib and trametinib ...
▎药明康德内容团队编辑日前,研究人员发表了阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)重磅EGFR抑制剂奥希替尼(英文商品名Tagrisso),在3期临床试验ADAURA中,作为辅助疗法,治疗早期(IB、II和IIIA期)携带EGFR突变的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者的最新数据分析结果。数据分析显示,奥希替尼显著改善了早期肺癌患者的无病生存期。利用基于 ...
引言当手术成功切除肿瘤后,肺癌患者最恐惧的"沉默杀手"正在血液中悄然流动。传统CT扫描就像用渔网捕大鱼,只能发现已经形成的较大的病灶,3月17日《Nature Medicine》的研究“Molecular residual disease ...
A large-scale, international, multicentre, phase 3 clinical trial of aspirin for the secondary prevention of colorectal ...
In the continuing evolution of personalized medicine, a new Yale study has found evidence to support the value of a tool that ...
Greater attention to gastric premalignant conditions should help reduce the incidence of gastric cancer and increase the ...
"I believe it will be a disruptive technology that fundamentally will change the surgical world for humans and animals," Dr. Wendell Gibby told Newsweek.
A 34-year, gentleman named Adan (name changed), hailing from Ghana, South Africa adhering to Jehovah’s beliefs, presented ...