哈米特是一位少有的关心有机化学问题的物理化学家,他最重要的贡献就是联通这两门差异极大的化学二级学科。1940年哈米特出版了《物理有机化学:反应速率、平衡和机理》,开启了这个新兴领域的研究热潮。哈米特发明了一种酸度函数,用来表征普通pH值无法衡量的浓酸 ...
A $372 silk scarf, a $2,650 leather jacket and a $1009 cashmere blanket – no, this is not the product list for a luxe ...
Moved by my granddaughter’s distress at Islamophobic language she had heard, I wrote an op-ed that the newspaper published ...
What are we seeking --- is it happiness, health, self-realisation or kaivalya? Based on the purpose, we bring Yoga into our lifestyle. Yoga is so much more than what we do on the mat ...
The Holocaust, the systematic murder of some six million Jews by Nazi Germany in World War II, occupies a singular and ...