Something amazing has happened. The Pokédex from my childhood dreams has been brought to life. A talented YouTuber has built the world's first Pokédex device that's powered by ChatGPT.
Pokemon-wearing bones of other Pokemon is not uncommon, and it even happens in the animal kingdom in the real world, too, but it's still a pretty disturbing concept. This Pokedex entry proves that ...
Dog Pokemon marks those critters whose designs were based on our canine brethren. Over the generations, there have numerous ...
And thank you to everyone who helped turn the Azure QnA Maker into a working Pokedex! Instafluff, Instafriend, That_MS_Gamer, simrose4u, Urban_nomad, Gilokk0, Agent_Merlin, ph1lt0r_and_lala, ...
However, those dedicated collectors spotted one Promo Card that was missing for the longest time, 008, the Pokedex card. Here’s all we know about the mysterious card and how you can acquire it.