We isolated total RNA from lymphoblastoid cells of four MUL patients, one MUL carrier and one control individual using the RNeasy RNA extraction kit (Qiagen) and synthesized cDNA using M-MLV ...
130-050-201, Miltenyi Biotec, Germany), resulting in 90%–98% monocyte purity as confirmed by flow cytometry. RNA extraction total RNA was extracted from the lysed FACS-purified samples using the ...
Cellular unjamming is the collective fluidization of cell motion and has been linked to many biological processes, including development, wound repair, and tumor growth. In tumor growth, the ...
This valuable study presents findings on DNA methylation as an efficient epigenetic transcriptional regulating strategy in bacteria. The authors utilized single-molecule real-time sequencing to ...
Total RNA was extracted from freshly isolated airway epithelial cells, from cultured 16HBE14o− cells, and from HAE cells, after either submerged or ALI culture (HAE cells), using the RNeasy mini kit ...
Regional expression of the GI appetite hormones CCK, PYY and GCG was also determined in mouse. RNA was extracted from tissues using an RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen). RNA quantity and quality was assessed ...