Traditional bone-patellar tendon-bone and hamstring tendon ACL grafts are not without limitations. A growing body of anatomic, biomechanical and clinical data has demonstrated the utility of ...
Achilles tendinosis is often confused with Achilles tendonitis, which is acute (sudden onset) inflammation of the tendon. Distinguishing these conditions is important to ensure proper treatment.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a rupture of the FDS tendon of the long finger (Fig 1). At surgery, the digit was explored through a volar Bruner incision centered over the PIP joint.
The posterior tibialis tendon is a strong cord of tissue. It's one of the most important tendons in your leg. It attaches the posterior tibialis muscle on the back of your calf to the bones on the ...
This injury affects the tendon that connects the biceps muscle to the forearm bone ... Early diagnosis improves the chances of successful recovery, and distal biceps rupture treatment typically ...
Dr. Carrie Jose, in her latest Health and Wellness column, discusses the top causes of knee pain, and how to get lasting, and ...
Subscapularis tears vary in type and severity, and are classified in four ways: partial tendon tear, complete tear of upper 25%, complete tear of upper 50%, and complete rupture of entire tendon.
Surgical repair was discussed, but because of the size of the tear and my willingness to try and fix it naturally ... However, the focus of this article is the quadriceps. All four quadriceps come ...
Tendinitis, also known as tendonitis, is the inflammation of a tendon. It usually occurs when ... the different types of tendinitis, its causes, treatment options, and more. Both tendons and ...