A Python module that provides the tools you need to authenticate with, and use the Qubole Data Service API. qds.py allows running Hive, Hadoop, Pig, Presto and Shell commands against QDS. Users can ...
Quantum digital signatures (QDS) offer an information-theoretically secure solution for ensuring data integrity, authenticity ...
Quantum dots (QDs) enable advancements in neuromorphic computing, offering unique properties for efficient data storage and processing in compact systems.
New research from the University of Oklahoma addresses and resolves light emission challenges commonly encountered in quantum ...
来自上海大学、吉林大学和TCL工业研究院等的科学家们在量子点发光二极管 (QLED)领域取得重大突破。他们的研究成果发表在《Nature》杂志上,发现了一种通过等电子控制策略合成均匀的ZnSeTeS量子点 (QDs)的方法,解决了传统重金属镉基蓝光QDs面临的环境问题和性能瓶颈。这一创新为开发高效、稳定的无重金属蓝光QLED提供了新的解决方案,有望推动下一代显示技术的发展。
无重金属蓝色量子点(QD)发光二极管(QLED)的电致发光性能远远低于最先进的镉基同类产品。环保型 ZnSeTe QDs 是镉基蓝色 QDs 的理想替代品,但由于碲的聚集(Ten≥2)主导了成分的不均匀性,因此面临着颜色不纯和稳定性较差的问题。
A new publication from Opto-Electronic Sciences; DOI   10.29026/oes.2025.240028 , discusses eco-friendly quantum-dot light-emitting diode display technologies.
2025年2月19日,南开大学 陈军、袁明鉴、章炜 在国际顶级期刊 Nature 发表题为《Perovskite heteroepitaxy for high-efficiency and stable pure-red LEDs》的研究论文, ...
Researchers review advances in cadmium-free QLEDs, tackling challenges in blue emission, device stability, and color patterning to pave the way for eco-friendly displays.