The following is a summary of "Mental Health Status and Quality of Life is Not Improved in Amputees Following Targeted Muscle ...
After waking up from knee surgery, a 17-year-old boy in the Netherlands stunned the medical staff at the hospital when he ...
A real-world analysis finds minimally invasive canaloplasty for glaucoma lowers intraocular pressure by 20% or more in half ...
Cardiac and major vascular surgeries are intricate and high-risk procedures known for significant morbidity and mortality ...
The patient was a 73-year-old man with progressively disabling right hip pain for 2.5 years. The patient had failed ...
Should femoroacetabular impingement be surgically treated concurrently with athletic groin ...A 2008 survey of hip injuries in the NFL introduced the “sports hip triad,” consisting of a hip labral tear, adductor injury and rectus abdominis injury.This concept highlights the frequent ...
We designed a study to assess the potential benefit of a simple exercise protocol in preventing shoulder pain postoperatively. Methods and Results: Patients undergoing subcutaneous device ...
The rare flesh-eating condition is known as periorbital necrotizing soft tissue infection, and is caused by either ...
Clinicians from King George’s Medical University in Lucknow, India, have described their treatment of a patient with Marfan ...
Contemporary embolization strategies for active sac management during EVAR.
A multivariate analysis confirmed the independent prognostic significance of both landmark and longitudinal MRD.
Zhang, X. and Zeng, X. (2025) Diagnostic Challenges and Multidisciplinary Management Strategies for Manicure-Induced ...