Instead of utilizing an expensive point-scanning confocal microscope, researchers can achieve a similar quantity and quality of images using a spinning disk-based high-content system within the ...
Integrated heating systems designed by major microscope manufacturers ... incorporating bidirectional scanning and averaging two- or four-line scans for enhanced clarity and resolution. For analyzing ...
Fully integrated solution for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) - video-rate lifetime imaging acquisition for rapid kinetic studies in live cells. Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) is a very ...
Visualization, processing and analysis of Lidar point clouds, mainly focused on forest environment. New version of 3D Forest. Process files with terabytes of data. Edit new point attributes. Simple ...
The Scanning Probe Microscopy Facility (SPMF) contains three atomic force microscopes.
Scanning electron microscopy is a general type of electron microscopy that generates a topological image of a sample using a beam of electrons to achieve much higher spatial resolution than light ...
Background: With the advent of confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopes (cSLO), fundus autofluorescence (FAF) resulting mainly from lipofuscin accumulation on the level of the retinal pigment ...
Our conic convolutional networks outperform all the baseline methods and previous state-of-the-art vanishing point detection approaches, while naive CNN implementations might under-perform those ...
Abstract: The theory of the confocal resonator is extended to include the effect of unequal aperture size and unequal radii of curvature of the two reflectors. The latter is equivalent to a periodic ...
Our mission is to provide a state-of-the-art facility, expertise, and education in advanced quantitative light microscopy to support Drexel University’s research community The Cell Imaging Center (CIC ...
Patients underwent corneal confocal microscopy examination with a Nidek Confoscan4 (Nidek Technologies ... Using fully automated mode, the central part of the cornea was imaged with 5 μm scanning ...