The peculiarity in the given case lies in the use of dental implants, which have proven to be more predictable and reliable compared to customised periosteal (placed under the gum tissue but on ...
目前,治疗骨不连的方法众多,从基础的到复杂的手术方式都有。其中,利用骨膜瓣(periosteal flaps,PF)治疗骨不连是一种特殊的技术,它通过激活骨折周围的生物组织,增强骨折部位的局部血流,将关键的营养物质和促成骨元素直接输送到不愈合部位 ...
Objective We aimed to understand the role of the transcriptional co-factor Yes-associated protein (Yap) in the molecular pathway underpinning the pathogenic transformation of synovial fibroblasts (SF) ...
He showcased the intricate vascular anatomy of the meninges, comprising the outer periosteal dura, inner meningeal dura, and dural border cell layer, which interfaces with the arachnoid space via ...
Most knee bruises are mild and heal on their own, but some can be severe. Steps that can support healing include rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). However, some bruises may need ...
These included cribra orbitalia (CO, eye-socket lesions often linked to anemia), porotic hyperostosis (PH, skull bone porosity linked to chronic anemia), periosteal reactions (PR, new bone ...
Ovarian cancer, known for its high invasiveness and therapeutic resistance, is one of the leading causes of death from gynecological tumors. The tumor microenvironment (TME) plays a crucial role in ...
Bony fusion of joints may also occur in PsA. These changes are seen in radiographs as the classic pencil in cup and ankylosis, respectively. 25 PsA is associated with periosteal reaction, enthesitis, ...
Objectives: Rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) is a frequent injury of the hand. When untreated, this injury may lead to decreased pinch strength, pain, instability, and osteoarthritis ...
研究人员在开展这项研究时,运用了多种关键技术方法。首先是细胞培养技术,他们培养了来自三名供体的颌骨骨膜细胞(Jaw periosteal cells,JPCs)、iPSCs 和 iMSCs,并为不同细胞提供适宜的培养条件。其次是流式细胞术,通过该技术分析细胞表面标志物(如 SSEA-4 ...