When you buy food at a supermarket, you may have seen labels such as 'whole wheat bread' or 'whole grains' and purchased them in the hope of some kind of health benefit. Margaret Murray, a ...
By softening and removing the pericarp of the corn kernel, the fibrous outside hull, the protein found in corn becomes more available. It allows essential amino acids present, like lysine and ...
Introduction: The three-amino-acid-loop-extension (TALE) of the homeobox superfamily genes plays important roles in plant growth, development, and responses to environmental stress. Although TALE ...
Yunnan Seed Laboratory/Yunnan Key Laboratory for Rice Genetic Improvement, Food Crops Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (YAAS), Kunming, China However, the progress of human ...
This useful study presents findings on the efficacy and mechanisms of linalool protection against Saprolegnia parasitica oomycetes in the grass carp model. The evidence presented is solid since the ...
Creative Commons (CC): This is a Creative Commons license. Attribution (BY): Credit must be given to the creator. Non-Commercial (NC): Only non-commercial uses of the work are permitted. This work ...