Desrochers installed the nest box atop Fox Hall at the same spot as the original, with the nest entrance overlooking North Campus and the Merrimack River. NOTE: The state considers peregrine falcons ...
Peregrine falcons regularly nest in the tower of Mackay Heating Plant, on the east side of the UB South Campus. Classified as an endangered species in New York State, peregrine falcons were wiped out ...
A peregrine falcon nest box has been installed in the "highest point" of a Leicestershire town centre. The platform was placed on top of the tower of All Saints Church, in Loughborough ...
A peregrine falcon nest will be installed on a chimney despite objections from pigeon fanciers that their birds may become prey. Plans for the nest, on Lister Mill in Manningham, Bradford ...
The peregrine falcon belongs to the genus Falco, which is characterized by long pointed wings. Peregrine falcons are birds of few words; they are generally silent but sometimes make a rasping ...
SINGAPORE: News that a pair of peregrine falcons attempted to breed in the central business district - on a ledge of the OCBC Centre, no less - came as a surprise to many. We typically associate ...
Up until the 1940s, the breeding population peregrine falcons had ... confirmed wild nesting peregrine falcons in more than 50 years. In 1993, two more wild nests were established, one in Brandon ...