Dec. 7 marks 83 years since the Imperial Japanese forces launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, triggering the United States' declaration of war against Japan, Germany and other axis powers.
Tora! Tora!" to inform the entire Japanese Navy that complete surprise had been achieved over Pearl Harbor. Five minutes earlier a bomb exploded near the cruiser Helena and two torpedoes cut paths ...
David Aiken is a director of Pearl Harbor History Associates. He has spent decades conducting detailed searches for missing American and Japanese airmen from the Pearl Harbor attack.
On Dec. 8, 1941, (Japan time) 83 years ago today, the military of Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. What kind of thoughts passed through the minds of the people of this country on ...
About 2,000 people gathered for a ceremony on Thursday in Hawaii to mark the 82nd anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Military personnel and World War Two veterans were among the ...
Tuesday is the 80th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which killed 2,400 civilians and sailors, wounded nearly 1,200 Americans, and damaged or destroyed 19 naval vessels and 328 ...
You might as well say that America attacked Japan at Pearl Harbor.” Japan launched a surprise strike on the American naval base, Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. Thousands of ...
Boris Johnson has said that Donald Trump blaming Ukraine for starting Vladimir Putin’s war was like claiming “America attacked Japan at Pearl Harbor”. The former Prime Minister, a fierce supporter of ...