An Israeli aircraft fired on what the military described as a suspcious vehicle moving towards northern Gaza outside the inspection route laid down by the ceasefire agreement, the military (IDF) said ...
近日,宝马为旗下在售的旗舰纯电动SUV,也就是iX推出了中期小改款,并且一口气发布三种不同版本,分别为iX xDrive45、iX xDrive60,以及性能取向的iX M70 xDrive。新的iX除了造型设计有所调整以外,性能和续航能力方面也进行了优化升级。 除此之外,这次小改款iX的最大看点之一便是导入了M Sport套件,在这之前,iX仅提供普通标准版,以及Sport运动版两种外观选择,而 ...
Just as promised, President Donald Trump as officially enacted a 25% tariff on Mexico and Canada imports, as well as an increased tariff on China's imports.
近日,宝马iX的中期改款的官图出来了,改动可不小,从外观内饰到动力参数都有更新。 值得一提的是,这次改款不仅调整了车型命名,还增加了入门款,颇有点儿“加量不加价”的意思。新车预计明年在海外交付,国内市场可能还要再等等。