The study first determined the effects of different intensities of iTBS stimulation on neurological recovery in PSD rats. Second, the effects of iTBS stimulation on the cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway were ...
结果发现有氧运动可缓解缺氧导致的 L&M 性能下降,激活 PKA–CREB–BDNF 通路。该研究为改善高原缺氧认知障碍提供依据,值得一读。 在大脑的奇妙世界里,学习和记忆(Learning and Memory,L&M)就像两把神奇的钥匙,打开我们获取知识、存储经验的大门,是大脑至 ...
BRP emerges as a promising peptide for weight loss, activating appetite control pathways without triggering nausea, paving ...
调控基因表达:PKA 可以通过磷酸化转录因子来调节基因表达。例如,被激活的 PKA 可以进入细胞核,磷酸化环磷腺苷效应元件结合蛋白(CREB),使其与 DNA 上的特定序列(环磷腺苷效应元件,CRE)结合,从而激活或抑制相关基因的转录,影响细胞的生长、分化和 ...
The identification of BRP, an anti-obesity peptide, showcases the transformative role of AI in drug discovery and its ...
CBD 增加线粒体含量和氧化能力并激活 PKA - CREB - PGC - 1α 通路 肌肉纤维氧化能力的提升和线粒体生物发生以及功能密切相关。研究人员通过电子显微镜观察发现,CBD 组小鼠肌肉中融合的肌原纤维间线粒体比对照组更多,说明其氧化磷酸化能力增强了。而且 ...
A new study led by UCLA investigators suggests that chronic stress and an unhealthy diet may work together to fuel the early ...
A new study led by UCLA investigators suggests that chronic stress and an unhealthy diet may work together to fuel the early ...
1Division of Digestive Diseases, Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. 2Department of Surgery, David Geffen School of ...