We were very pleased to read the study by Queiroz 1 and his colleagues, in which they revealed that comprehensive analysis of the methylation status of two pivotal genes—CDKN2A/p16INK4A ...
I've spent the last few years looking for my own evidence-based elixir of youth. And there is one common food that could be ...
为探究衰老细胞(SnCs)与腰痛(LBP)关系,研究人员用o-vanillin 和 RG-7112 治疗sparc?/? 小鼠,发现可缓解 LBP。 在人体衰老和受到外界细胞应激时,衰老细胞(SnCs)会在体内不断积累。这些细胞会呈现出衰老相关分泌表型(SASP),释放出各种炎性和退行性因子,进而引发多种与年龄相关的疾病。其中,腰痛(LBP)作为全球导致残疾的首要原因,给个人生活质量和医疗系统都带 ...
Recently, significant pathways involved in regulating senescence have been delineated, including p53/p21 and p16INK4a/Rb, along with the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), which fosters ...
The presence of decreased expression of cyclins CCNA2, CCNE2, and LMNB1, a,s well as increased expression of a selection of SASP genes and the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors CDKN1A (p21WAF1/Cip1), ...
他们揭示了格列本脲这一常见的磺酰脲类降糖药,可通过抑制线粒体苹果酸脱氢酶2(MDH2),显著降低了衰老相关β-半乳糖苷酶(SA-β-gal)染色的阳性率,减轻了衰老相关基因p16INK4a的表达,并缓解了衰老相关分泌表型。 机制上,研究人员发现,抑制或敲除MDH2会 ...
2022年,哈佛大学衰老研究所的烧杯里发生惊人一幕:添加桑黄提取物的人成纤维细胞,端粒酶活性提升19%,线粒体膜电位恢复至年轻态水平。而在中国农科院的最新研究中,3年生桑黄的抗氧化成分较1年生暴涨7.5倍,其清除自由基能力是维生素E的23倍(数据来源 ...