A total of 1,868 pigs from two farms in Selangor have been disposed of to control and prevent the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF). Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) Selangor director Dr ...
When it comes to different guinea pig breeds, there are more breeds than you may have thought. We’ve covered 10 different breeds in this feature to help you narrow down which is the best option for ...
Over the last few weeks, a familiar polarization took over Iowa City residents. On March 4, voters hit the polls, ready to ...
Six Bulgarians carried out sophisticated operations over three years, including spying on Ukrainian soldiers in Germany.
Following injury, many organs are capable of rapid regeneration of necrotic tissue to regain normal function. In contrast, ...
I think we underestimate how exceptional that is. There aren’t a lot of major cities where you can live like a hobby farmer ...
Many first-time guinea pig owners are surprised that their new pets need hay to thrive. In fact, about 80% of a guinea pig’s diet should be hay! That means they need to have access to an unlimited ...
In the not-too-distant past, cedar and pine shavings were among the most commonly used guinea pig beddings. People used them because these pleasant-smelling woods masked the odor of guinea pig urine.
"No question," Brook told CBS News. "And like, lots of them, not just two, three, there's a lot of pigs out there. It's kind of mildly alarming just how many pigs there are around us right now." ...
Three piglets which were being allowed to starve as part of a controversial art exhibition in Denmark that had drawn international attention have been stolen, the artist said on Wednesday.