Anime often presents characters initially seen as villains, only for their stories to reveal how wrong our opinions were ...
In One Piece Chapter 1137, Oda officially unveiled Shamrock Figarland as the leader of the Holy Knights, and the son of ...
Shanks's twin brother's full design and name is revealed in One Piece. The leader of the Holy Knights is fearsome.
One Piece's Elbaf Arc has introduced quite a few new characters, but Prince Loki is already the best among them.
Kaido, is often considered the greatest One Piece villain, yet the contradictions in his character makes fans question ...
After Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen manga conclusion, Junya Fukuda has found his new calling as the 15th editor of Eiichiro ...
One Piece fans wholeheartedly detest Chopper's character development as it led to the ruin of his trump card, Monster Point.