A member of the 16th Chinese medical team talks to children about the importance of handwashing at the Frans Nambinga Arts ...
"China has stood by us all the way," said Elia George Kaiyamo, Namibia's ambassador to China, highlighting the deepening bond ...
每个人职场的成功都不同——但不管你在什么领域,你需要冒险。公司和社区建设者Molly Graham分享了在跳下所谓的“职场悬崖”前需要学习的3个关键能力,描绘出一条从爬职场阶梯到实现真正专业和个人成长的路径。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
萨拉·胡克认为,语言才是真正将人类联结在一起的纽带。这位前谷歌大脑(Google Brain)研究员,自2022年起等担任Cohere for AI的负责人。Cohere for ...
本页面向您提供英镑期货的最新资讯和重要消息。汇聚BPMc1的最新资讯和消息,把握市场动向。 本文提供黄金、白银、原油、美元指数、欧元、英镑、日元、瑞郎、澳元支撑阻力位。 在非农就业报告公布前,英镑/美元小幅走高,英镑/美元受到美联储会议后美元疲软的支撑。WTI原油价格创下3个月来最大单周跌幅,在本... 本文提供黄金、白银、原油、美元指数、欧元、英镑、日元、瑞郎、澳元支撑阻力位。 本文提供黄金、原 ...
BEIJING, March 17 (Xinhua) -- The central parity rate of the Chinese currency renminbi, or the yuan, strengthened 50 pips to 7.1688 against the U.S. dollar Monday, according to the China Foreign ...
(以下内容从招银国际《Strengthened earnings certainty drives valuation recovery》研报附件原文摘录) 药明康德(603259) WuXi AppTec reported a YoY revenue decline of 2.73%, to RMB39.2bn, and a2.5% decrease in adjusted non-IFRS n ...
Li Cuili was regarded as kind of a "weirdo" when she decided to open a library at her convenience store providing books for ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Celebrate St Patrick's Day weekend with three days of discounted drinks and green beer at Shanghai’s oldest Irish Pub. Doors ...