Germinal centers are high-speed evolution machines. Tiny clusters in the lymph nodes, germinal centers refine antibodies ...
Following these developments, Ethereum saw a price surge, crossing the $2,000 mark, reflecting a weekly increase of over 12%.
A power tip that discusses how to address highly integrated USB PD charger design constraints with a self-biasing circuit.
node-rdpjs is a pure implementation of the Microsoft RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) protocol (client and server side). node-rdpjs support only SSL security layer.
9 小时
知乎 on MSN正态分布是最自然的,但为什么人类社会中会出现「赢家通吃」现象 ...所谓正态分布是最「自然」的,背后是中心极限定理在起作用——大量独立同分布的随机变量之和(或均值)的分布,会趋近于正态分布。
Lovely! These tags are kept updated automatically when new minor or patch version are released. The python script in src/docker_python_nodejs handling this is run twice a day on GitHub actions. Image ...
Preclinical pipeline re-prioritization to focus on four potentially transformative programs to advance toward clinic, led by CNTY-308 in B-cell ...