人类幼崽真是可可爱爱的“生物”,尤其是在他睡觉的时候,冷不丁会突然嘴角上扬,简直萌化了“老母亲”的心。 有的宝宝会把嘴巴咧得很大,就像“偷”吃到了蜜。 有的宝宝会歪起一边的嘴角,露出“邪魅一笑”。 看到宝宝甜甜的笑容,爸爸妈妈一边赶紧拿出手机抓拍留念 ...
6 小时
人民网 on MSN睡眠小知识正常睡眠过程包含两个不同的时期,分别为:“快速眼动睡眠(REM期)”和“非快速眼动睡眠(NREM期)”。非快速眼动睡眠期又分为1期(N1)、2期(N2)、3期(N3)。其中,非快速眼动睡眠期的1期和2期睡眠,被称为浅睡眠。而非快速眼动睡眠期的3期睡眠,被称为“深睡眠”。至于快速眼动睡眠期,多会有梦境体验,因此常被称为“做梦睡眠”。 人们的正常睡眠往往是先进入1期和2期浅睡眠,而后再慢慢进入3期深睡 ...
People often confuse narcolepsy and chronic fatigue syndrome, but these are the differences you should pay attention to.
Wildfire prevention is a major concern in Oklahoma, where wildfires can have devastating effects on communities, homes, and ...
However, some research shows that major stressors may increase REM sleep but reduce deep sleep. REM rebound, which is when we ...
近日,复旦大学公共卫生学院陈仁杰课题组联合解放军总医院郭豫涛课题组、上海市第一人民医院贾慧珣课题组联合开展了一项全国性纵向研究。团队基于华为可穿戴设备的睡眠健康大数据,探究了环境温度对睡眠不足和睡眠时长的影响,并进一步预估了未来气候变化情景下归因于温度升高的睡眠负担变化。研究结果以“Climate warming may undermine sleep duration and quality ...
Turi, Teng and the team used state of the art techniques to provide convincing evidence on the infraslow oscillation of DG cells during NREM sleep, and how serotonergic innervation modulates ...
We found that the activity of major glutamatergic cell populations in the DG is organized into infraslow oscillations (0.01 – 0.03 Hz) during NREM sleep. Although the DG is considered a sparsely ...
成人间充质干细胞为TRI伴抑郁焦虑提供了突破传统治疗瓶颈的新途径。其通过多靶点调控神经炎症、突触可塑性及神经递质平衡,展现出独特的治疗优势。未来需通过大规模随机对照试验验证其疗效,并借助生物工程技术创新优化细胞治疗策略。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
睡觉时每个人都会做梦,也许会喊叫或伴有肢体动作,大家可能会觉得是在做噩梦,不会太在意。但家住长沙市开福区70岁的庄先生,却深受其苦恼。庄先生自诉从2022年开始,他不仅会在入睡后突然大喊大叫,拳打脚踢,主要表现在梦境中出现与梦境内容相关的肢体动作,如 ...
Photo from Imagedelivery.net Sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, yet many people underestimate its impact on ...
Most marathon training blocks last between 12 and 18 weeks, which is a long time to be pushing your body through its paces.