Hi! Thanks for your interest in contributing to NLTK. :-) You'll be joining a long list of contributors. In this document, we'll try to summarize everything that you need to know to do a good job. We ...
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.
外国人的星期三,搞笑巧克力美食大挑战 ...
AI can write useful code, but it can also produce unusable garbage. Here's my advice on making the most of AI from my many adventures in coding.
This course provides you with the core NLP skills needed to convert data into valuable insights. You will learn how to automatically transcribe TED talks, and the course will introduce popular NLP ...
What they do: Conduct cutting-edge research in AI/ML, develop new algorithms, and push the boundaries of deep learning, ...
You will learn various concepts such as Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization, POS tagging, Named Entity Recognition, Syntax Tree Parsing and so on using Python’s most famous NLTK package. This ...
Students used BS4, Web Scraping, NLTK Sentiment, Newspi and AI technology, like Gemini, to gain the 1st prize, winning them a whopping total of 30,000 rupees. Oakridge Codefest stands at the ...