研究人员针对氮限制下工程大肠杆菌代谢问题,研究丙酮醇合成,发现其可平衡 NADPH,为代谢工程提供思路。 在生物制造的大舞台上,微生物就像一个个神奇的小工匠,承担着生产各种高价值化学品的重任。近年来,随着生物柴油产业的蓬勃发展,大量的甘油 ...
Glaucoma Research Foundation (GRF) announced the nine recipients of its $55,000 one-year Shaffer Research Grants. "We are extremely fortunate for the ongoing and generous investment from our glaucoma ...
Department of Drug Chemistry and Technologies, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro 5, Rome 00185, Italy ...
Harmful microorganisms such as bacteria represent one of the largest threats to human health. Efficient sterilization methods ...
The impact of endurance exercise training on the heart has received significant research and clinical attention for well over a century. Despite this, many issues remain controversial and clinical ...