为解决伤口愈合材料难题,研究人员开发 BC/Ti 3 C 2 T x-MXene 复合水凝胶,其在伤口护理和监测方面潜力巨大。 在现代医学中,伤口愈合是一个备受关注的重要课题。想象一下,当皮肤受伤后,我们不仅希望伤口能够快速愈合,还期望在愈合过程中能实时了解伤口 ...
制备了首个液晶MXene基神经电极,通过液晶排列结构与层间PEDOT-PSS高效发挥了Ti 3 C 2 MXene的电学优势,实现了神经接口技术的多维度突破——高灵敏 ...
为解决 MXene 薄膜机械性能受限问题,研究人员用 [2] 轮烷增强其性能,制备出高性能 RBM 薄膜及 ACEL 器件。 一、研究背景 在材料科学的奇妙世界里,二维材料一直是科研人员关注的焦点。自 2011 年发现以来,碳化钛(Ti 3 C 2 T X )MXene 凭借其出色的导电性和机械 ...
MXene is a lightweight two-dimensional (2D) material capable of protecting everything—including spacecraft, mechanical ...
The trick is to find the ones that are stable. By using a high-throughput computational platform and scanning through the formation energies of millions of alloying configurations, researchers ...
The Nanomaterials Institute specializes in the study of MXene processing and polymer compositing, and the fundamental mechanical properties of MXenes. Researchers in the DNI are interested in studying ...
MXenes: Changing the World, the 3rd International MXene Conference at Drexel University, August 5-7, 2024, will focus on chemistry and physics of materials, as well as research innovations, new ...
The seawater desalination based on solar-driven interfacial evaporation has emerged as a promising technique to alleviate the ...
Seol Seung-kwon has developed the world's first technology for printing high-resolution 3D microstructures using MXene, a material known as the dream material. The work is published in the journal ...
The researchers report that a polyester textile coated with a titanium carbide MXene can reach approximately 90% filtration efficiency for particles as small as 15–30 nanometers—the size of ...
While MXene materials have proven exceptional among two-dimensional materials in a number of ways—including their strength, ability to selectively block and trap radiation and filter chemicals ...