In total, 56 movies have ever crossed $1B worldwide. Moana 2 is the 32nd from Disney (including three from the Fox acquisition) as well as being the 4th from Walt Disney Animation Studios (along ...
“Moana 2,” originally conceived as a television show for streaming, is officially a billion-dollar box office smash. The animated sequel has generated $445 million domestically and $567 ...
L-R: Timothée Chalamet in 'A Complete Unknown,' Selena Gomez in 'Emilia Pérez' and Guy Pearce in 'The Brutalist' Courtesy of Searchlight, Netflix and A24 Awards Season is upon us, and the Oscar ...
Moana 2 is set to reach its goal soon, hopefully this weekend. Which goal? The one-billion-dollar mark worldwide. The movie has already surpassed Despicable Me 4 as the third highest-grossing film ...
Nearly two months after earning the biggest Thanksgiving opening weekend in box office history, Disney’s “Moana 2” has passed $1 billion at the global box office. The sequel added $13.9 ...