The colors of rubies and emeralds are so striking that they define shades of red and green—ruby red and emerald green. But ...
Antimony is widely used in the production of materials for electronics, as well as metal alloys resistant to corrosion and ...
A recent study described develops methods for synthesizing and quantifying metal-induced glycation products, particularly in ...
Scientists from The University of Manchester have developed a new material that could help reduce water pollution caused by ...
Both rubies and emeralds are minerals, which is a type of rock with a consistent chemical composition and a highly ordered ...
Breakthrough materials that pull water from thin air could offer a sustainable solution to the West's worsening drought ...
The work is published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Metal dimer complexes with d 8 square planar metallic centers provide a class of configurable molecules that may have ...
which has thus become one of the most important means we have for investigating molecular structure. There is, indeed, no experimental method that gives more detailed information on this subject.
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Akad. Lavrent’yev av. 3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russian Federation ...
Find out how researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed stretchable, self-healing 'jelly batteries' that could ...
Scientists from The University of Manchester have developed a new material that could help reduce water pollution caused by harmful chemicals, such as from leftover medicines and hygiene products, ...