Spending plans should focus on filling expected EU shortfall of 1.2 million healthcare professionals, committee MEPs urge ...
On Wednesday, lead MEPs representing a majority in Parliament condemned the Hungarian government’s move to limit the right of ...
"If the budget remains stagnant, health will be devastated, as it has been in recent years," said Christophe Clergeau (S&D, France).
The EP proposal condemns Hungary "for its pro-peace stance" and for vetoing earlier this month the European leaders' proposal ...
PanARMENIAN.Net - Several Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have welcomed the successful conclusion of negotiations ...
MEPs in the European Parliament’s informal Cleantech Friendship Group (CFG) want to see energy and technology sovereignty ...
Federal government has said the newly approved Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for air conditioners will boost ...
The European Parliament called in a resolution adopted on March 12 on the EU to act urgently and ensure its own security.
MEPs are urging the EU to finally build technological independence from the US after transatlantic relations nosedived over ...
A total of 28 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) called for immediate EU sanctions against Milorad Dodik, the leader of Bosnia's Serb Republic, in a lett ...
Members of the European Parliament’s industry committee have adopted a resolution on boosting the competitiveness of energy intensive industries, which closely aligns with ideas laid out in the Clean ...
On Tuesday, the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), accompanied by the Polish Council Presidency and leaders ...