Bagratuni’s nuanced use of vibrato in the opening speaks to a mood of brooding intimacy without over-sentimentalizing. The Menuetto of the second movement is performed with wonderful poise and ...
In contrast, the hesitant progress of the ensuing Allegretto had all four players seemingly breathing together as they shaped the brief phrases. Though also marked Allegretto, the Menuetto could ...
The Goldmund Quartet is applauded worldwide for its interpretations of the great classical and modern works of the quartet ...
Or perhaps marble, because the sheen of the strings – 26 violins – was undeniably very beautiful. Tempi were unhurried but the playing was well balanced and rhythmically alert, apart from the Menuetto ...
Nabbing exclusive rights to the prequel to “Shtisel,” the series Netflix made popular around the world, is more than just a financial opportunity for Izzy CEO Nati Dinnar to put his fledgling ...
原创音乐剧《理想之城》改编自爱奇艺同名剧集,以时尚新颖的表达与先锋舞台质感的呈现,刻画了以女主角苏筱为代表的职场众生相,讲述了奋斗者为理想积极打拼、构建起心中“理想之城”的动人故事。 剧目以女性视角为第一视角,基于现实职场生态,生动 ...
精选剧目 01歌舞剧 音乐剧《理想之城》 北京演艺集团、北京歌剧舞剧院 时间:3月8-9日 地点:顺义大剧院 看点 原创音乐剧《理想之城》改编自爱奇 ...