We’ve forgotten the joy to be found in total disorientation, the adventures you invite when you veer off the sat ...
Assassin's Creed Shadows does not include Mount Fuji, one of the most representative places in Japan: here's why.
In the last survey released in 1987, geographers counted islands with a coastline of 100 meters or longer on paper maps, according to the Japan Coast Guard, the author of the survey. The previous ...
First, he uses contour maps produced by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, upon which he overlays useful details based on his own research. This creates an abundance of information ...
Scientists have constructed local and nation-wide maps of the radioactive particles that rained down when the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant failed after a massive earthquake and tsunami rocked ...
Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward has reproduced a rare map from 1947 that shows how the postwar U.S. occupation of Japan had dominated and sprawled across the places locals walk past every day. It proved to ...
A Pokemon fan made a pixel-art map of Japan with game regions accurately placed. Pokemon regions like Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are based on real Japanese locations. The Pokemon Ranger ...