2024年全球红树林联盟(Global Mangrove Alliance)发布了《2024全球红树林状况(The State of the Word’s Mangroves 2024)》报告,目前年全球约有1470万公顷的红树林,与2005年联合国粮农组织(FAO:The Word’s Mangroves 1980-2005)报告全球红树林有1700万公顷相比,全球红树林面积 ...
However, they find that only 17 per cent of peatlands fall within protected areas – a “substantially lower” proportion than other “high-value ecosystems”, such as mangroves, saltmarshes and tropical ...
Tree planting events were held across the country on Wednesday to mark China's National Tree Planting Day. (Photo by Chen Xi/Xinhua) Volunteers plant mangroves seedlings at Dongzhaigang National ...
在线发表题为“Nitrogen-phosphorus conservation and trade-offs in mangroves”的研究综述,系统揭示红树林生态系统中氮磷(N-P)养分的保护与权衡机制。