On Monday, 17 March, the Muscular Dystrophy UK President’s Awards took place, in association with Airnow Technology and ...
Malrotation, a disorder of abnormal intestinal rotation and fixation, predisposes newborns to midgut volvulus. Plain abdominal films and upper gastrointestinal contrast studies form the mainstay of ...
Background Schaaf-Yang syndrome (SYS) is caused by truncating mutations in MAGEL2, mapping to the Prader-Willi region (15q11-q13), with an observed phenotype partially overlapping that of Prader-Willi ...
Through this, he raised £2,918 for both Surviving The Loss Of Your World and Centrepoint UK in memory of his younger cousin, Sam, who passed away from an undiagnosed condition called Malrotation ...
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) with bilateral tonic pupils, vitreous haemorrhage and chorioretinopathy secondary to HELLP syndrome (24 February, 2025) ...