On May 29, 2025, Himachal Pradesh will observe a bank holiday in honour of Maharana Pratap Jayanti. This day commemorates the birth of Maharana Pratap, a revered Rajput king known for his valour ...
The 428th death anniversary of Maharana Pratap was observed by Kshatriya Jagruti Seva Sangh at Maharana Pratap Park in Radaur town on Sunday. The programme was presided over by social worker ...
Maharana Pratap, born in 1540, served as the 13th king of the Sisodia dynasty in Rajasthan's Mewar region. His life, underscored by his unwavering commitment to his homeland, remains noteworthy. Uttar ...
Maharana Pratap, a revered Rajput ruler of Mewar, is known as one of India's greatest warriors. His life is an enduring symbol of bravery, patriotism, and the fight for independence against the ...
Himachal Pradesh has now joined this list, as tensions escalate between Governor, Shiv Pratap Shukla and key state ministers, including Tribal Affairs, revenue and horticulture minister ...
Maharana Pratap was the 13th king of the Sisodia dynasty of Mewar in Rajasthan. He was born in Rajasthan on May 9, 1540, and died on January 19, 1597. In a post on X in Hindi, Uttar Pradesh Deputy ...
Himachal Pradesh Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla emphasized the transformative potential of the National Education Policy for the Indian education system. Speaking at the Central University of Himachal ...
Maharana Pratap Death Anniversary 2025: The pages of Indian history are adorned with tales of unparalleled bravery and resilience, and Maharana Pratap shines as one of its brightest stars. Born in ...