One of the longest-running anime series in the world, One Piece continues to inspire millions of viewers with characters like Monkey D. Luffy, who never loses sight of his dream to become the Pirate ...
Despite being overall inferior to Enel, Luffy managed to beat him after a prolonged struggle. Rubber acted as a natural insulator to lightning, allowing Luffy to come out unharmed from Enel’s ...
When Beats launched in 2008, its emphasis was very much on bass. While we were left wanting more – those early reviews weren't great – you can't argue with the marketing strategy: Beats were suddenly ...
Credit: Product images courtesy of Woot. The Beats Powerbeats Pro has been around for some time, but Beats has followed the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" model that has worked well for them.
The creator has not yet announced what exactly he will do with his newfound rights. However, there’s a chance that he might turn it into a streaming marathon like he has done previously. But One Piece ...
Novak Djokovic has won 24 Grand Slam titles, a record for a male tennis player, and been ranked world No. 1 for 428 weeks, more than any other man. Yet that didn’t stop him from suffering a ...
Nguyen Xuan Son had a golden opportunity to double the lead when he only had to beat Thailand goalkeeper Patiwat Khammai, but Patiwat blocked his shot. Thailand turned the tide and threatened through ...
What Burman has is an undefeated team. The Firebirds beat El Capitan 52-22 Thursday in the first round of the eight-team Firebird Classic at Pacific Ridge, improving to 12-0 this season.
For instance, Luffy fought and beat Lucci in the Egghead Arc. It goes without saying that Lucci is far weaker than him, and his defeat against an Emperor was certainly not a surprise to anyone.