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胡崛隽,男,汉族,龙海一中2000届校友。集成光子学与光学材料专家,美国光学学会会士、美国陶瓷学会会士、国际光学工程学会会士,麻省理工学院材料科学与工程系John F. Elliott教授。 胡崛隽是2000年福建省高考理科状元;2004年获得清华大学材料系学士学位 ...
郑河水,男,汉族,龙海一中1966届校友。1950年8月出生于龙海石码,1966年初中毕业,1968 年2月参军入伍,1969年10月入党,1973年8月至76年7月就读于厦门大学中文系,毕业后分配于龙溪地区行政公署农林水办公室工作,历任农村经济科副科长。 1986年元月调任诏安 ...
— We have everything you need: full data on over 700 000 bonds, stocks & ETFs; powerful bond screener; over 350 pricing sources among stock exchanges & OTC market; ratings & financial reports; ...
On March 8, a 160-meter-long single-tower cable-stayed bridge, part of Xi'an's Xingfu Road North Extension Project in Shaanxi province, was successfully rotated 69.45 degrees counterclockwise in 120 ...
Ltd., the bridge is a key component of the overpass interchange spanning the Longhai Railway. To avoid disrupting heavy rail traffic, engineers opted for a rotational construction method ...
In response to the complexity of the Jacobian matrix inversion process in the power flow algorithm for AC/DC microgrids, leading to large memory requirements and susceptibility to convergence issues, ...
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Science and Technology, São Paulo State University (UNESP), São Paulo, 19060-900, Brazil ...