The chancellor received a Vatican appointment earlier this year reflecting Rome’s recognition of the Oregon seminary’s growth ...
As Pope Francis emphasizes liturgical formation in what may be his final message on the subject, the church faces a crisis in ...
A large congregation, drawn from many different Christian traditions in Nenagh and environs, came together in St Mary’s ...
Liturgical Music |will take place in Westminster Cathedral Hall this Thursday, 20 March.The aim of this conference is to provide schools with relevant and useful training in regards to liturgical ...
So, he sent trusted representatives to request missionaries and to witness the Divine Liturgy celebrated in the beautiful Church of Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) in Constantinople (Istanbul today).
Now, in part two, we shall turn to the purpose of the liturgy: namely, true worship of God. In part three (i.e. next time), we shall consider the fruits or benefits of the Liturgy: how the Liturgy ...
A charismatic healing liturgy will take place Wednesday, March 12, at Christ Our Light Roman Catholic Church, 1 Maria Drive.
The Center for Faith, Action and Ministry (CFAM) provides a variety of events and retreats for students to observe Lent.
Prayers and resources for children's liturgy catechists and for families. Use these Gospel reflections, prayers, songs and activities to help children explore their faith. Feel free to adapt the ...
Tucked away in the Tehachapi Mountains of California, a group of cloistered nuns is chasing puppies, making artisanal cheeses ...