One of the ways to disturb electrons in the inner radiation belt and kick them into Earth’s atmosphere actually begins in the atmosphere itself. Lightning, the large electromagnetic discharges ...
Lightning can be used to probe Earth’s dynamic Van Allen radiation belts, directly connecting terrestrial weather and space weather. Read from CU expert Lauren Blum on The Conversation.
The chances of an asteroid that could be up to 300ft (100m) wide hitting Earth in 2032 have almost doubled after new telescope scans, an expert told Yahoo News. The European Space Agency (ESA) has ...
An asteroid recently spotted in the cosmos with a non-zero chance of hitting Earth in the coming years may have caused some alarm. Don't freak out – yet. Yes, the asteroid has little more than a ...
An asteroid recently spotted in the cosmos with a non-zero chance of hitting Earth in the coming years may have caused some alarm. Don't freak out – yet. Yes, the asteroid has little more than a 1% ...
According to Science Magazine, scientists have explained that even if the asteroid were to hit, the affected area would span about 800 square miles, meaning it’s more likely to hit a remote area.
UN planetary defence organisations are closely monitoring an asteroid that has a tiny risk of hitting the Earth. The European Space Agency (ESA) has said that it has an almost 99% chance of safely ...