From China to Brazil to Germany, huge numbers of people are addicted to shopping, driven in part by companies that use gaming ...
We chose these three symptoms to identify the presence of psychosis in autism. Negative symptoms have been considered pivotal symptoms of psychosis since the early description of Kraepelin and Bleuler ...
Sadie’s struggle is not a new phenomenon. German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin described krankhafte Kauflust — the pathological desire to buy — as early as 1899. But many specialists worry ...
Most psychiatric disorders are highly heritable, yet few reproducible genetic risk factors have been identified by linkage analysis and candidate gene or genome-wide association studies.
A 24-year-old single man was referred to the psychiatric ward of the hospital of Universidade Federal de Pernambuco due to reports of unusual and refractory depression. Two years before admission, the ...
Introduction The rates of suicide in the elderly population are generally higher than other age groups. Models of suicide that explain the phenomenon of suicide in later life may have research, ...