The Garwood Public Library invites residents of all knitting skill levels to join their Knitting Club from 10:30 a.m. to ...
Sip by sip, stitch by stitch, Philadelphia's Drunken Knitwits socialize, knit and enjoy food and drinks together.
The class will be held from 10 a.m. to noon in Activity Room #1 of the center, which is located at 330 Helen St.
From the isolation of the pandemic and other circumstances, a group of women have come together at a Waterville yarn and fabric store to knit and build friendships.
A woman knitted a shoulder bag out of wool for her mom's birthday, using a surprising shrinking technique. In a video that ...
Today, I’m sharing eight celebrities who have surprisingly offbeat hobbies. Maybe you’ll feel inspired to try something new ...
Since its inception, the 'Puyuan Cup' has matured into the most authoritative and influential competition in the domestic knitting design landscape, celebrating ten years of fostering industry growth ...
See where else to shop for crafting, art, and DIY supplies now that JOANN craft stores are officially closing. JOANN has always been one of the best places to shop for seasonal home decor, as well as ...
While you’re sitting in Taverna, enjoying the buzz, most likely swiping torn bits of house-baked bread through another plate ...
Students at Boardman Center Intermediate School have revived the art of crocheting and knitting, creating a new club that ...
"Knitting needles are made from steel or aluminum," Miller said. "So it's been a scramble to try to find that because people need them." Elizabeth Miller sells fibre-art supplies, hand-knitted ...
Nevertheless, Abrams and her family, like so many who were displaced and devastated by their losses, are glad to be alive, and a number of them are crafting paths forward in a deeply Jewish way: ...