After a harrowing night at sea for the owner's family and crew members packed into a lifeboat, there was only one survivor.
Lake Hamilton hosted the 15th annual Adam Brown Shamrock Run on Saturday morning at Wolf Arena to honor the life and legacy of the late Navy SEAL.
After two days of dredging, a crane on Friday pulled a Ford station wagon from the Columbia River that officials believe ...
In May 1959, two of the children’s bodies, 13-year-old Virginia and 11-year-old Susan, were recovered in the Columbia River - one near Camas, Washington, and the other near Bonneville Dam.
In 2012, three deep-sea divers were on a routine operation in the North Sea when one of them became trapped underwater. Liu had to dive in deep, dark water in order to recreate the harrowing rescue.
CASCADE LOCKS, Ore. (KPTV) - A car believed to be associated with an Oregon family missing since 1958 may have been found in ...
The Denver Aquarium is more than just a place to see fish—it’s a full-on adventure for all ages. Located near the South ...
An ice fishing outing with tip-ups yields good catches of largemouth bass and northern pike and provides plenty of fun for ...
If we nurture the awe in children, we will nurture future artists, environmentalists, botanists, composers, singers, and ...
Footage has been released of the distressing moment Ruby Franke’s 12-year-old son showed up ‘emaciated’ at a neighbour’s ...
“Last Breath” continues an ongoing trend of fictionalized remakes of the events covered in a prior documentary. This movie ...